Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wapanese of the Month Mr Joseph Tame

Hello boys and girls. May I present you the Wapanese specimen of the month Mr Joseph Tame. For obvious reasons we would like to keep his identity secret so lets call him *cunt*. Maybe many of you think I have far too much time in my hands to be talking about *cunt* but out of popular request he was voted the Wapanese of the month. Wapanese is a term used for white people who want to be Japanese. They want it so much that they seriously believe that they are the top of the cake that humanity has ever created. Anyway *cunt* has been living in Japan for the past few months and shares a house with his girlfriend. I think he calls her *twinkle*. Joseph comes from United Kingdom of course which happens to be the best place in the f8cking galaxy as most British Wapanese people think. Anyway after reading and watching closely his blog I realize why foreigners are hated in Japan. I am sure you will agree Mr *cunt* is for sure the grandmaster of this art called Wapanese. Apart from being a total nerd and telling the world each and every time when he has sex with his girl, he happens to be a bit of an activist too. He buys organic food , does reviews on rotten food that his lazy ass could not throw away before the expiry date and most of all loves people who happen to be more unfortunate than him. Even though I doubt there can be someone more unfortunate than him being 30 years old, still in undergraduate university and a bankruptcy. Anyhow to cut the long story short he talks about his epilepsy in such a dramatic way as if it is the end of the world. Grow up my friend and live with it. A million more people do out there. And above all *cunt* knows everything about Japan. If there is any question you ever have about Japan please make sure you ask him. He will probably know the answer before you even asked him. He is that good. Expression of the week from his blog was that he will get rich and be on tv. F*ck Yeah man. Go for it we really need more fouls out there.... Next review will be extensive with much more details. Bye all......

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